
How to Survive Type 1 Diabetes Without Insurance

Let’s walk together through an all-too-common scenario. You or your spouse with insurance get laid off and suddenly you don’t have health insurance. For normal people, this is scary enough, but you have type one diabetes and need affordable prescriptions in order to live to next week. For some, losing insurance is a pain to…

Your Wallet or Your Life: The Worst of Medtronic

Medtronic is a household name in diabetic households. They were one of the first to make insulin pumps widely accessible and have created an entire industry catering to diabetic needs, including developing a constant glucose monitor, various pumps for different types of patients, and a never-ending source of supplies to fuel these devices. When patients…

Thor: Love and Thunder Review

While watching Thor get into a steamy will they/won’t they scenario with his attractive… war axe, I couldn’t help but think “Why is this here?” Thor: Love and Thunder is a fun, childish romp through the cosmos with a quirky cast of characters, but never manages to justify its existence.                 First the good. Taika…

Stranger Things Season Four Review

Every end has a beginning. This theme hangs over the main cast of Stranger Things as they yet again face an evil outside of their comprehension or control. Thankfully, after four years, some of the kids and their parents have gotten the hell out of Hawkins, Indiana where inexplicable horrors continue to occur. It’s a…

Will Work for Insulin

Welcome to the show! Diabetic Reviews is just that – reviews made by a diabetic for diabetics… and the otherwise healthy masses. Moving forward I will review everything from diabetes health products to movies and games, really just depending on my mood/who pays me (fingers crossed for sponsors one day). Let me know what you…

Health, Art, & Insulin Addict

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